When is the first day of spring 2024?
In the year 2024, spring is going to begin in northern hemisphere on Wed, Mar 20, 2024 and end on Fri, Jun 21, 2024.
In the year 2024, Wed, March 20, 2024, at 11:06 p.m. EDT is going to be remarked as the first day of spring 2024. For people dwelling in the northern hemisphere, this day is marked as the arrival of the “Vernal Equinox” or “First Point Of Aries”. But traditionally, this day is celebrated with joy on the 21st of March but according to astronomers and calendar creator consider the start of the spring season is on the 20th of March as in all of the American time zones. Regardless of what is next to be unfolded by the weather condition; the spring equinox is considered to mark the beginning of the spring season.
When is spring?
In the year 2024, spring is going to begin in northern hemisphere on Wed march 20 and end on Fri, June 21, 2024.
What is vernal equinox?
This is the day that marks the beginning of the spring moth every year and both hemisphere. On this day the days and night are of equal length and even acknowledged as spring equinox.
Does it remain same every year?
With the precession of earth axis, the position of the vernal point keeps constantly changing as it is in the move in celestial sphere. Therefore, the equatorial and ecliptic coordination of the solar system changes accordingly.
There are so many questions to be answered yet. But first, let’s know “When is the first day of spring?” As defined in the above context, the northern hemisphere’s vernal equinox begins in March and ends in June. But, in the case of the southern hemisphere, it is a bit different. September Equinox (first day of fall) begins on Sunday, September 22, 2024, and ends in December. It marks the arrival of blissful, happy, and vibrant greenery all around your surroundings when is spring in the countdown means how many days until spring 2024?

What is the mean of the vernal equinox?
Vernal means new and fresh whereas equinox is derived from Latin words i.e. “aequus” means “equal” and “nox” means “night”. So, you must be eager to know what it means. Daylight is the period that every day ranges between sunrise to sunset. This phase of the day appears to get longer with time after the offset of winter solstice which opts to be the shortest day of the year.
Howsoever, we are aware of the fact that the days after December 21 start getting longer but even then we see darkness persisting all around for a longer time till the arrival of spring. The vernal equinox is the right time when does spring start & how many days until Spring 2024? But with the advent of the vernal equinox, everything appears to change because the daylight begins to get prominent over darkness. At this time the direct rays of the sun keep on falling on the equator which eventually leads to equal day and night. But after the completion of the vernal equinox, the direct rays of the sun migrate to the north side of the equator which causes an increment in the hours of daylight till the direct rays start falling on the Tropic of Cancer.
During the summer solstice, direct rays head southward and days begin to grow shorter which wait till next month until the autumnal equinox starts experiencing the equilibrium of daylight and darkness. Finally, the rays reach the tropic of Capricorn on the days of winter solstice and the entire cycle begins again.
Are days and nights equal in length or not?
There are lot many questions revolving around the vernal equinox but the most surprising one is the length of the days versus night.
As we know that the day and night of the first days of spring and autumn opt to be exactly equal i.e. 12 hours worldwide. But, as per the calendar, this concept is not true.
In fact, in the calendars, you get to know that the daylight during the days of spring and fall equinox appears to be longer in comparison to darkness by a few minutes.
The major reason behind this is that the atmosphere acts as a lens and tends to bend the light from the edge of the horizon.
Making it a bit simpler, if you are watching the sun rising above the horizon or setting down below the horizon during the sunset. Then you need to know that it is an illusion that the sun is not setting down instead it is exactly that at the point below the horizon.
This is because people keep on constantly staring at the sun for a few minutes before sunrise or sunset. When first day of spring begins, the atmospheric refraction causes an increase in the length of daylight from six to seven minutes.

What causes change on the first day of spring?
After learning when first day of spring is celebrated, we move forward to the cause of change in the dates from year to year. The elliptical orbit of the earth keeps on changing orientation which eventually leads its axis to denote another direction that is named precession. Seasons are defined to start at 90° intervals which cause changes in the position to affect the reaching time to the earth after every 90° location on its orbits around the sun. The second point is that the pull of gravity from other planets even affects the defined location of Earth in its orbit.
Is spring becoming shorter nowadays?
Let’s take into consideration the northern hemisphere when does spring start:
- Summer – 93.641 days
- Autumn -89.834 days
- Winter – 88.994 days
- Spring – 92.771 days
On combining both warmer seasons (summer & spring), you find that the warm season is 7.584 days longer than the colder seasons. But spring is found to be reduced by one minute per year and winters by half minute every year. And summer gains the minute that is lost by spring whereas autumn gains half of the minute extra which is lost by winter. So according to astronomy, the shortest season is winter which duration continues to decrease as per expected to attain a minimum value of about 88.71 days that range by year 3500.